Gajah Tunggal Remains a Member of the SRI-KEHATI Index

PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk remains one of the companies in the SRI-KEHATI Index for the period May-October 2014, together with 24 other companies who have demonstrated sustainable business practices. The index is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
M.S. Sembiring, Executive Director of the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Yayasan Kehati) mentions in his letter dated 2 May 2014: “The inclusion of a company in the SRI-KEHATI index reflects the company’s commitment to implement sustainable policies that care about the environment, social aspects and good corporate governance.”
The management of PT Gajah Tunggal welcomes the positive announcement. “The Company is committed to take its corporate responsibility by incorporating sustainable management practices within all the activities undertaken by the Company” said Director of Gajah Tunggal Catharina Widjaja.
Gajah Tunggal has been included in the SRI-KEHATI index since May 2013. The index is composed by the Indonesian Stock Exchange in cooperation with the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Yayasan Kehati), which is headed by the former Minister of Environmental Affairs, Emil Salim.
The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Yayasan Kehati), continues Sembiring, will continue to improve the quality of the assessment methodology for the SRI-KEHATI Index in the coming period, in order for the SRI-KEHATI Index to become an indicator for the business community reflecting the improvement and the preservation of the environment and the sustainable development of Indonesia in the times to come.