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PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk reveived SRI KEHATI award

PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk reveived SRI KEHATI award

For the third consecutive time, PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the SRI-KEHATI Award from the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation and SWA Magazine on Friday, 18 September 2016. The SRI-KEHATI Award is an appreciation as being one of the 25 companies to be listed in the SRI-KEHATI Index. The SRI-KEHATI Index is an index launched by the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) in corporation with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), which consists of companies that implement sustainable business practices.

The ability to maintain its position in the SRI-KEHATI Index since May 2013, reflects the Company’s achievement in developing its business by taking into account the social and environmental aspects, in order to create a sustainable future and to become a good corporate citizen. The Company also hopes that PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk could inspire other companies to implement the Sustainable and Responsible Business principles in their operations.

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