Awards in 2021

Top 100 Most Valuable Indonesian Brands Award 2021
“Gajah Tunggal” has achieved The Top 100 Most Valuable Indonesian Brands in 2021 from Brand Finance (Indonesia) – the world’s leading independent brand valuation consultancy, for the tire category.
Gajah Tunggal has proudly received Gold classification with USD 125 millions of Brand Value, and our ranking rose compared with previous year, from 47th to 46th. To simplify, below are the 3 main points of our brand performance from Brand Finance:
- Brand Value : USD 125 millions
- Brand Rating : A+
- Enterprise Value : USD 520 millions
We have achieved this Gold class, based on the below Brand Value calculation by Brand Finance:
- Brand Strength Index (BSI) – consist of 3 main pillars:
- Inputs – Marketing Investment (widely recognised factors deployed by marketers to create brand loyalty and market share)
- Equity – Stakeholder Equity (perceptions of the brand among different stakeholder groups, with customers being the most important)
- Output – Business Performance (quantitative market and financial measures representing the success of the brand in achieving price and volume premium)
- Brand Impact (range of possible royalties that could be charged in the sector for brands)
- Brand Earnings (forecast revenues)

Indonesia Brand Champion Award 2021
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk won the Indonesia Brand Champion Award 2021 through the GT Radial brand for the car tire category and IRC for the motorcycle tire category in an Annual Achievement Report.
This award was successfully achieved by GT Radial and IRC because it has been ranked at the top of the selection of thousands of Indonesian brands based on the achievements of brand performance in the past year in winning various awards from various trusted agencies or being one of the winners of an index survey of research conducted by TRAS N CO Indonesia in collaboration with INFOBRAND.ID.

Indonesia Original Brand Award 2021
In the middle of 2021, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, the countrys pride tire manufacturer again received the Indonesia Original Brand Award 2021 through the GT Radial brand for the car tire category. This event was held virtually through the digital platform Youtube on Friday, July 16, 2021.
This award was successfully achieved by GT Radial because it has been ranked top for the car tire category based on the results of respondent statements from research conducted by Indonesia Original Brand to 5,000 respondents or approximately 180 respondents per product category with criteria in the form of men or women with minimum SLTA education aged 21-40 years. All respondents were randomly selected gradually through the interview method using a mobile survey app with structured questions. In addition, respondents were also interviewed face-to-face by applying strict health protocols.

TOP Digital Public Relation Award 2021
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk through the IRC brand succeeded in achieving achievements through the Indonesia TOP Digital PR Award 2021 from TRAS N CO Indonesia for the motorcycle tire category and was held virtually on Thursday, February 25, 2021. This award is given as an appreciation of IRC which is able to implement communication patterns and strategies through various digital platforms and increase engagement with consumers.
This award was obtained because IRC was considered successful in 3 assessment parameters of the digital world: Digital Media Aspect, Social Engagement Aspect, and Digital Mention Aspect in the last year, which was held in November 2020 – January 2021. This survey was conducted on 150 business categories in more than 1,000 companies in Indonesia.

TOP CSR Awards (2020 dan 2021)
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk received the TOP CSR Award, because
it has successfully aligned its Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) program with the companys business
strategy using the Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach.
By applying CSV approach encourages the creation of
mutually beneficial interdependence relationships that
allow people to progress and companies to grow rapidly.
Creating Shared Value is a concept in business strategy that
emphasizes the importance of including the problems and
social needs of the community in the design of corporate
strategies. CSV is a development of csr concept or corporate
social responsibility. Organized by Top Business magazine in collaboration with KNKG (National Committee on Governance Policy) as well as a number of CSR, Business and GCG associations, CSR consulting firms and other leading national businesses.